
Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease

One of the cases that stand out in my mind from the beginning days in practice was of a woman with Alzheimer's disease who was brought in by her husband for treatment.  They were old time Vermonters - Earl, a farmer who prided himself on ingenuity and self-reliance, and Mary, a sturdy, strong looking woman.  (Not their real names.)

Dying for Sleep

A while back a colleague told me about an interesting entitled book “Lights Out”1, a used copy of which I promptly procured online for a few dollars. It arrived last Thursday about noon — and a few hours later the largest blackout in the history of North America enveloped much of the Northeast. Now, I’m not a superstitious type. Nor am I egotistical, or crazy, enough to consider the possibility that the arrival of that book had anything to do with the blackout. But it certainly did give me pause to reconsider that whole phenomena of cause and effect. They say - whoever “they” are - that there is no such things as a coincidence. So, just in case, if it in fact was anything more than pure coincidence, I hereby publicly and contritely offer my most humble apologies...