
Treating Lyme Disease with Homeopathy

Amongst the various treatment methods that have proliferated in response to the ongoing epidemic of Lyme Disease, homeopathy has a unique and valuable place.  It is distinguished by a number of attributes, chief amongst them being flexibility, individuality and, to coin a term, 'constitutionality'.

People afflicted with Lyme present in various stages of the disease.  The homeopathic practitioner has at his or her disposal a vast array of medicines that allow for a great deal of flexibility in prescribing the most appropriate remedy for each stage.  

Hair of the Dog

Daniel (not his real name) was distraught and in tears the first time we met.   It wasn’t an appointment - he had just dropped by the office with his wife to ask if homeopathy might help. Waves of emotions passed over his face as we spoke and he seemed barely able to contain whatever pain he was experiencing within himself.  There was no physical illness as far as he knew – or so he explained, but mentally Daniel felt at the end of his rope and wasn’t sure if or how to carry on. Actually, when the time came, I wasn’t sure he would show for his appointment. We had set it up for a few weeks out because of some traveling he had planned and my schedule. In such an acute state, who knows what might happen between now and then? But, in fact, there he was right on time…

A Tale of Two Brothers

It’s been a number of years since I first met the two brothers, Jordan and Samuel. They were as different as two persons could be. Samuel, age 6 at the time, was a gentle, cheerful fellow – easy to smile and easy to talk to. Jordan, 3 years his elder, was retiring and sullen. Communicating with him was challenging at best. And his thin, wiry build was contrasted with the soft, full frame of his younger brother. Reflecting the difference in their constitutional nature, each boy was brought in for quite different reasons. Samuel easily developed respiratory ailments that turned into a bronchitis or asthmatic wheezing. Jordan’s issues were only paritially physical as they had strong emotional and behavioral components.


You don’t hear the word “diathesis” much these days. Diathesis in homeopathy remains important however. Derived from the Greek word ‘diatithenai’, meaning ‘disposition’ or ‘condition’, it is used to describe an innate tendency to become ill in a certain way. The dictionary defines it as, “A hereditary predisposition of the body to a disease, a group of diseases, an allergy, or another disorder.”

All sorts of diathesis are found in medical literature: scrofulous diathesis (glandular swelling), strumous diathesis (thyroid swelling), uric acid diathesis, tubercular diathesis, rheumatic diathesis, hemorrhagic diathesis, sthenic diathesis (excessive inflammation or reaction), scorbutic diathesis (scurvy), lithic acid diathesis (kidney stones) … to name just a few.

Another similar term, especially favored by homeopaths, is ‘constitution’. And it would be reasonable to ask what is the difference is between the two. Generally, they can be thought of almost as parallel to each other: the constitution’ referring to a characteristic way of being in the world and the diathesis a characteristic way of becoming ill.

Inherited Tendencies

INHERITED TENDENCIES It seems there is hardly a week that goes by without a report of some advance in our understanding of the genetic characteristics that predispose people toward diseases. In fact, long before the discovery of genes and DNA, Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, had already investigated inherited dispositions toward disease.

Characteristically, his research grew out of clinical observations and a lifelong calling to attain ‘the highest ideal of cure — the rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of health.” Two centuries later, it is an integral part of the daily practice of the several hundred thousand homeopaths worldwide. Through the lens of these theories, homeopaths gain insight into the cause and treatment of a wide variety conditions.