Calcarea carbonica

Treating an Autoimmune Headache

  It will be fifteen years ago next month when a patient we’ll call Pat first came to consult with me. A mild mannered, hard-working woman in her mid-sixties, she complained of ongoing weakness, breathlessness and dizziness that had been bothering her for years. She also had unstable blood pressure for which she had already been medicated for over 30 years.

From a homeopathic perspective, her case was fairly clear at the time. The lack of energy, vertigo and the breathlessness that was especially exasperated when climbing the stairs or walking up hill along with her salt of the earth yet timid nature was enough to suggest the remedy Calcarea Carbonica.

A Case of Diabetes

Harry (not his real name) is an Asian Indian man going on 80 who became my patient about a year ago.  Since he lives over 9,000 miles away, we have not actually ever met in person.  But on the suggestion of a relative who is also a patient of mine, he requested a consultation via Skype.

I was certainly happy to oblige and happier still that our Internet connection was quite clear – a better connection, in fact, than I get with some people Skyping from Vermont.    A diminutive man with a shaven head (think Ben Kingsley’s portrayal of Gandhi), Harry has a cheerful affect and brisk Indian English diction that enhanced our connection even further.

A Tale of Two Brothers

It’s been a number of years since I first met the two brothers, Jordan and Samuel. They were as different as two persons could be. Samuel, age 6 at the time, was a gentle, cheerful fellow – easy to smile and easy to talk to. Jordan, 3 years his elder, was retiring and sullen. Communicating with him was challenging at best. And his thin, wiry build was contrasted with the soft, full frame of his younger brother. Reflecting the difference in their constitutional nature, each boy was brought in for quite different reasons. Samuel easily developed respiratory ailments that turned into a bronchitis or asthmatic wheezing. Jordan’s issues were only paritially physical as they had strong emotional and behavioral components.